gww是什么意思 女生gw是什么意思

日期:2024-10-19 2:22:54 人气:3995





gww的女人 。。。。。。是什么意思



  1. 定国套是435品的高级PVE套装,套是套装的意思,定国则是每件套装共有的前缀,出处是25英雄大明宫副本。

  2. PVE套装分很多种,90年代大致分为375品狼烟套,395品靖世套,435定国套和485的破努套

  3. 不知所云

queen 什么意思

queen /kwi?0?9n/ DJ /kwin/ KK noun the female ruler of an independent state that has a royal family 女王;女酋长;女首领 to become/be crowned queen 成为/被加冕为女王 kings and queens 国王和女王 the Queen of Norway 挪威女王 Queen Victoria 维多利亚女王 the wife of a king 王后 Variant: queen consort a woman, place or thing that is thought to be one of the best in a particular group or area (某领域的)王后;精髓;精华 ~ (of sth) the queen of fashion 时装之最 a movie queen 影后 Venice, queen of the Adriatic 威尼斯,亚得里亚海的明珠 a woman or girl chosen to perform official duties at a festival or celebration (节日或庆典中)当选行使公务的女子 a carnival queen 狂欢节小姐 a May queen(= at a festival to celebrate the coming of spring) 五朔节王后 a homecoming queen 返校节王后 See also: beauty queen the most powerful piece used in the game of chess that can move any number of squares in any direction 后 a playing card with the picture of a queen on it 王后(牌) a large female insect that lays eggs for the whole group (为群体产卵的)雌性昆虫;王;后 a queen bee 蜂王 an offensive word for a male homosexual who behaves more like a woman than a man 女性化的男同性恋者;假娘儿们 informal taboo

以上就是小编对于gww是什么意思 女生gw是什么意思问题和相关问题的解答了,希望对你有用
