apo什么意思 apo 镜头

日期:2024-10-19 13:20:44 人气:5772

大家好今天来介绍apo什么意思(apo 镜头)的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,来看看吧。





  APO=Army Post Office

  FPO=Fleet Post Office





  fpo = Army Post Office军队邮局

  apo = Fleet Post Office舰队邮局

  fpo/apo locations是军队邮箱地址,是USPS和DOD (美国国防部)合作产生的驻军邮址。

  在美国,只有USPS (美国邮政局)才能邮寄PO Box或APO/FPO的地址,也就是说只有邮政方式的邮件才可以投寄APO/FPO的地址(包括EMS、HKEMS、CN大包裹、HK大包裹、HK小包、CN小包、SW小包)

  UPS、Fedex、DHL、TNT无法寄送PO Box或APO/FPO地址。





  1.AA, 表示Armed Forces (the) Americas 美洲军事

  2.AE,,表示Armed Forces Europe欧洲军事

  3.AP,表示Armed Forces Pacific太平洋军事


  APO,表示Army Post Office 军队邮局

  FPO,表示Fleet Post Office舰队邮局



  Diplomatic Post Office (DPO) 外交邮政局

  Army/Air Force Post Office (APO) 陆军/空军邮局

  Fleet Post Office (FPO) 舰队邮政局


  What is an APO address or an FPO address?

  APO stands for "Army Post Office," and is associated with Army or Air Force installations.

  FPO stands for "Fleet Post Office," and is associated with Navy installations and ships.

  The official definition of APO/FPO mail is (according to the Military Postal Service Agency):

  APO/FPO Mail - domestic mail and international mail that bears a U.S. military delivery address or return address and that, in some stage of its transmission, is in the possession of the DOD. This is mail that is being sent to or received from military installations located outside the Continental United States (CONUS). This mail may be official or personal in nature. This mail is centralized at certain locations such as San Francisco and New York for transport overseas. When mail is received in the CONUS from these facilities, letter mail is normally received in sleeved half trays, flats are received in sleeved plastic flat tubs, and parcels are received in #1 sacks.


  Three Military "States":

  AA, which stands for Armed Forces (the) Americas

  AE, which stands for Armed Forces Europe

  AP, which stands for Armed Forces Pacific

  Two "City" equivalents:

  APO, which stands for Army Post Office

  FPO, which stands for Fleet Post Office


  By having all Overseas Military Mail conform to the domestic mailing addressing scheme, the USPS could easily sort and manage it using their sophisticated sorting and distribution machines, just like regular mail.

  But there is more to these constructs than addressing schemes. The Military State designators mean more than "phantom" states. They represent the USPS mail processing facilities that handle the mail traffic to and from each Military State. In an analogous form, they represent the neck part of an hourglass. Picture mail flowing into a "neck" location from all parts of the continental United States, then from this "neck" out to all the Military bases and U.S. Embassies in the region of the world represented by the specific Military State.

  These "neck" locations, the USPS mail processing facilities themselves, are located in cities that are conducive to getting mail to and from the overseas region of the respective Military State.

  These Military State/City pairs are:

  AA : Miami, FL

  AE : New York, NY

  AP : San Francisco. CA


  Since these cities already had ZIP codes assigned to them, it was decided to have the ZIP codes of the respective Military State be numerically close to the ZIP code of the city where the mail processing facility is located. This allowed the USPS automated sorting equipment to funnel the Military Mail to the proper city where the respective mail processing facility is located.

  Once the Military Mail arrives at the respective mail processing facility, it is further sorted by Postal Service Center, APO/FPO and ZIP code. After that, the USPS "hands it off" to their Military equivalent in a branch of the Armed Forces after transport via contract air carrier and delivery to the overseas APOs and FPOs. For APOs, either the Army or Air Force provides personnel. For FPOs, the Navy does the job.

  At each APO or FPO, there is an equivalent to "a-real-honest-to-goodness-Post Office" staffed by members of the respective branch of service. While the layout of each APO/FPO varies by location, suffice it to say they look and operate just like a "real" Post Office. In fact, they have to, since we are talking about U.S. Mail. Each APO/FPO address holder has a mail lock box in which their mail is slotted. Since parcels can't fit in these boxes, delivery or notification slips, just like "real" ones, are put in the boxes whenever a parcel arrives.


  Generic APO/FPO Restrictions

  Most APO/FPO addresses have the following general restrictions:

  Packages may not exceed 70 lbs. (Some zip codes have lower limits)

  Packages may not exceed 130 inches in combined length and girth. (This means if you have a package that is 100" in length and 40" when you measure around it, you cannot send the item)

  All packages must be sent via the U.S. Postal System. The post office also requires companies or individuals to hand deliver packages being sent to APO/FPO addresses. (This is one reason why many merchants won't ship to APO/FPO addresses.)

  Firearms, alcohol, perishable foodstuffs and certain hazardous items also are restricted. Each zip code has a more detailed list of the restrictions for certain types of products.





  APO,是英文Apochromatic的缩写,意为“复消色差的”。APO镜头即 复消色差镜头,是指能对多种色光(超过两种)消除色差的镜头。


  长工作距离复消色差物镜即APO物镜有优秀的光学系统,这种物镜可在整个视场内提供平面的,无单色差(几乎无彩色色差)的图像,它适用于各种显微镜 ,可以和Pomeas的一系列变倍镜头组合成一种高性能的变焦镜头系统,是半导体产品检测,流式细胞技术或其他高效大倍率应用的理想选择。其先进的设计提供了非常高的分辨率和突出的对比度。其分辨率可从5微米到0.34微米。


  1:复消色差光学设计;2: 可选长工作距离;3:超微分辨;4:齐焦距离95mm;5:无限远光学系统,管镜焦距200mm;6:物镜螺纹 M26X0.705.





  早在1800年,人们就知道了天然萤石具有消除色差的作用,但天然萤石结晶太小、太脆、太贵。直到二十世纪六十年代末,佳能才掌握了生产大片人造萤石镜片的技术,并于1969年大量推出两只萤石镜头:FL-F300mmF5.6和FL-F500mmF5.6。1973年,佳能推出了举世震惊的FL300mmF2.8萤石镜头。佳能称:萤石镜片配合其他光学玻璃可以有效地消除一切色像差。见那个的另一种低色散镜片称为“UD”或“超级UD”,是由光学玻璃混以特殊氧化物制成,其功效为:2片UD = 1片超级UD = 1片萤石。



  适马的低色散镜片称为“SLD”超低色散镜片及“ELD”特级低色散镜片。目前,其“ELD”特级低色散镜片只是用于最新的APO 500mmF4.5EX HSM、APO 300mmF2.8EX HSM、APO 800mmF5.6EX HSM三支镜头。









apolipoprotein 载脂蛋白;apoprotein 阿朴蛋白;apochromatic 高度消色的

以上就是小编对于apo什么意思 apo 镜头问题和相关问题的解答了,希望对你有用
